Hire better faster stronger
Hire better faster stronger
Hire faster better stronger
Hire faster better stronger
Hire faster better stronger
Hire faster better stronger
Hire faster better stronger

Hire better faster stronger

Get access to highly-targeted passive candidates, and recruit them at the click of a button.

How it works

1) Everyday, we send you 10 off-market passive candidates that are perfect for your open positions.2) Use our tools to reach out to interesting candidates at the click of a button.3) Start scheduling interviews with candidates right away.

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app profileJosh CullivanSoftware Engineer @ Pied PiperGroup 30Created with Sketch.Group 36Created with Sketch.

Trusted by 900+ top tech companies


We take care of the sourcing for you

Reduce your sourcing time by 10X: our algorithms scout the web to find the profiles that are the most relevant and most willing to join you based on your criteria and their public information.

Triple your reply rate

Adopt email outreach best practices with our platform and get positive replies directly in your inbox.

Start your free trial

Get up to 100 highly-targeted profiles for free to try the product.

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Pierre Betouin

Pierre Betouin

CEO @ Sqreen

HireSweet allows us to hire highly technical candidates with surgical precision. HireSweet is a weapon of choice in the war for talents!

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